Important Site Standards
School Colors are Navy Blue (#000080) , Yellow/Light Gold (#FFD700) , White (#FFFFFF)
Thur Oct 17, 2024:
Google Meets meeting with Mr. Parchia, regarding adding Pictures To Website.
1. School Picture Day 2024 completed, Mr. Parchia will provide pictures of Faculty &Staff as soon as picture Admin makes them available to him. The pictures are expected to be in JPEG format.
2. Current Stock Photos the site was built using will be replaced by Photos Mr. Parchia will provide as soon as the person currently taking photos around the finish and provide to him.
3. I asked if there is a current schedule for Basketball Team Games to put on the School Calendar, there isn’t one available yet, will let me know when one is available.
4. I informed Mr. Parchia we can now show Pop-up Overlays for Special Announcements and Events. Mr. Parchia will let me know when it’s needed.
5. Updated Faculty & Staff Table
a. Added Specfic Numbers for Lynn Willis amd Theresa Brown
b. Added General School Number for All other listed Faculty & Staff
Wed Oct 2, 2024:
Website was loading slow because of the size of the Logo (Filename “EVA-logo-5-HD_Transparent.png”) 2000×2000 pixels 4MB. Manually Resized Logo from 2000×2000 pixels 4MB to 512×512 pixels 378KB using MS Windows Photos Application (New Logo Filename is now “EVA-logo-5-HD_Transparent_512x512_Oct02_2024.png” . Home page and website is loading much faster.
Fri Sep 22, 2023: Created 3 pages, In Local Development Environment
1. Home
2. About
3. Enrollment Information
Used content from the existing site to include on the pages
School Colors are Navy Blue (#000080) , Yellow/Light Gold (#FFD700) , White (#FFFFFF)