School Policies
Acceptable Use Policy:
Computers, handheld devices, network, Internet, electronic communications, and information systems (collectively called “CIS systems”) provide vast, diverse, and unique resources. Access to the school electronic communication systems and network is granted to responsible users for educational purposes, and terms of use outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy.
Anti-Hazing Policy
Early View Academy prohibits any form of hazing of or by employees, volunteers, or scholars. Any scholar who experiences some form of hazing, or a staff member who becomes aware of hazing, should report it to the school administration. Any scholar who engages in hazing is subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion, depending on the offensive conduct.
Cyberbullying Policy
Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, or hazing constitute conduct that disrupts both a scholar’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its scholars in a safe and embracing Christian environment. The purpose of this policy is to prevent and respond to acts of disruptive behavior with “zero indifference.”
School Uniforms Policy
At Early View Academy, we believe scholar appearance correlates directly with their readiness to learn, academic focus, attitude, and behavior. Scholar appearance should reflect confidence, modesty, self-respect, and respect for others. Scholars are expected to be in compliance upon entering the school building until they are dismissed for the day.
Health & Wellness Policy
Early View Academy recognizes that scholar wellness and proper nutrition are related to a scholar’s physical well-being, growth, development, and readiness to learn. The school is committed to providing an education that promotes scholar wellness, nutrition education, and the promotion of regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience.